The true cost of pallet wrap can easily slip by unnoticed in the everyday business of packaging operations. And these hidden costs can quickly add up. To understand the true cost of pallet wrap, take time to consider the amount your operation is spending on pallet wrap and associated machinery. Because one simple switch – from a standard film to a high-performance alternative, like iWrap – could save you up to 25% in costs and reduce your use of plastic by 40%.
Read on to learn more about these overlooked costs and how you can optimise your pallet wrapping process.
Cost of pallet wrap – cost per roll vs cost per pallet
How are you costing your pallet wrap? Is it on a cost per roll or a cost per pallet basis? The norm has been on a cost per roll basis – at first glance, this can look a transparent and easy way to buy. These also tend to be a lower quality film, yes lower in price but it comes with its challenges.
Cheaper pallet wrap can be highly susceptible to breaks and tears. In short, it is simply not as strong as high performance film – meaning that pallets wrapped in low quality film often require re-wrapping multiple times in their journey from packaging to end point.
People often buy low quality pallet wrap because they are attracted to its low cost-per-roll basis. The true cost of pallet wrap to the business is found in the cost per pallet wrapped. If you’re spending more than 50p wrapping a standard pallet – there are significant cost savings to be had moving to a high performance film.
Even though it may be a more expensive initial cost, choosing a film that offers the strength you need means you only need to wrap a pallet once. High-performance film has the potential to revolutionise your operation with its long-term financial savings alone – not to mention the reduction in plastic waste and more.
How the Plastic Packaging Tax is effecting the cost of pallet wrap
The hidden cost of pallet wrap
Another cost that you may need to account for is the Plastic Packaging Tax. Charged on plastic packaging that doesn’t contain 30% or more recycled materials at a rate of £200 per tonne, the tax will have far-reaching effects for anyone manufacturing or importing plastic packaging.
It is imperative that you account for the effect that this could have on your business – and the steps you can take to save money and plastic at the same time. Such as investing in high performance pallet wrap that can help to optimise your wrapping and packaging processes.
The impact of the Plastic Packaging Tax is an important one across the packaging and logistics industry. To help understand its implications and protect your business against hidden costs, download our free Plastic Packaging Tax eGuide.
If you’re currently purchasing pallet wrap for your business, you may well be experiencing a sharp increase in costs. This will be down to the PPT – so how can you reduce this new cost? The beauty of high performance film means you need less to despatch and ship your products. Using less plastic means less tax associated costs.
The true cost of pallet wrap
At Acopia, we always look for a win-win-win solution. A win for your pocket, as high performance film stretches further and saves you money. A win for your team, as they will spend less time wrapping pallets. And a win for the planet, as less plastic is used in the first place.
If you’d like to find out more about high performance pallet wrap and how it works so you can use less plastic, just pop over an email using the form below.